Showing posts with label Ages 6 months - 2 years. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ages 6 months - 2 years. Show all posts

10 activities to help develop your child's speech.

Jan 12, 2015

The best way to help a child's speech and language development is through play

Here are 10 simple activities that you can do at home, including the key vocabulary to focus on, to help develop your child's speech and oral language.

The key to these activities is about engaging with the child and using simple, useful language that matches the actions of play

This puts the language into context with what they are experiencing and gives them opportunities to hear, use and practice the language in a way that makes sense to them. 

Often the simple phrases are repeated over and over again in the same activity which is what you want. 

The words that you can focus on are listed for each activity under "Language" but you can still use them in correct sentence structure whilst focusing on the key words. 

For example, "Ball. You have a ball" and "Give ballGive me the ball please." 

For more specific information about how to develop your child's speech through play and to hear our personal journey with oral language concerns, see here.

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7 favourite Baby Play ideas

Nov 11, 2014

Having trouble during nappy change time with a wriggly baby? Try BabyLove Nappy Pants - with no tabs to contend with, the 360-degree stretchy waist allows you to pull them up quickly and easily, so your active toddler can get back to action in no time! Request a sample.

Although my baby has recently turned 3, among my circle of friends there seems to be a baby boom happening. Lots of gorgeous new little people joining our lives and entering our hearts. What a blessing! To celebrate, here are a collection of 7 baby play ideas that both my children loved. These activities are generally suitable from when baby has developed their head control and is sitting up (approx. 6 months onwards) and all require supervision.

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8 Homemade toys for Babies

Oct 15, 2014

Having a baby (especially your first) can be an overwhelming experience. The world of BABY/KID STUFF is an extensive one, full of items you never knew you "needed" or even existed.

When it comes to entertaining your baby, the most wonderful toy for them is you. 

Watching you, listening to you, touching you. Time with you and other caring people is invaluable for their development.

There are also many fabulous pre-made toys and items for babies that in addition to the company of you and others, can help entertain, stimulate, sooth and aid in their development. 

There are so many things out there that you could be continually buying something new, however it's just not necessary. 

Often, with many of the toys marketed towards babies, they are able to use them very limitedly before they either out-grow or get bored by them. 

This is where making your own toys can be beneficial as you can provide new and stimulating items for them, often for a very low cost (sometimes completely free) and little effort.
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Doc-tober on Disney Junior. Promoting health and wellbeing for children with technology.

Oct 7, 2014

This post is sponsored by Disney Junior and Nuffnang

I grew up watching Disney cartoons every Sunday morning. I remember my brothers and I waking at the crack of dawn to sneak into the lounge and watch hours of glorious cartoons before our parents woke up. (I also distinctly remember waking our parents in a panic one weekend morning when we discovered the cartoons were missing! Turns out that it was daylight saving time and actually around 4-5am. haha. It's funny the memories we hold on to.) 
Watching cartoons is a child's right to passage and these days, Disney Junior have developed the kind of characters and messages that make cartoons for preschoolers something more than just entertainment. They are a resource that parents and teachers can use to help teach and reinforce the important life, health and wellbeing messages that we are continually trying to get across.

Choosing the right shows for your children

When it comes to my children watching television and participating in screen-time through different technological mediums such as computer, tablets, smart phones, etc., I am very careful to ensure that I am monitoring what my children are exposed to and for how long. These days, I've found that there are so many shows aimed at kids out there that are full of language, actions and messages that I find unnecessary (and sometimes completely inappropriate) for my children to be watching. If they are going to be sitting there, staring at a screen, then I would like that time to still be of some benefit to them and their overall education, health and wellbeing. This means that the shows we actually watch are pretty limited. I pre-record television shows as I don't think children need to sit through ads and we watch shows that tend to promote and reinforce the messages, values and lessons learnt at home.

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Speech therapy. How to develop your child's speech with play.

Sep 17, 2014

Helping develop your child's speech through play.

We're always told not to compare children. They're all different and all do things in their own way, in their own time. In fact, a favourite quote of mine is,

"Not all children are ready to learn the same thing at the same time in the same way." 
- Kathy Walker

However, even knowing and understanding all of this, when my son did not start to communicate verbally in a similar way to how his older sister had, I admit that I felt quite concerned. 

I'd done everything the same. He'd been read to since birth (a lot), talked to and chatted with constantly. 

We made sounds, did rhymes, sung songs and played together. 

But, unlike his sister, he did not choose to naturally communicate verbally and would refuse to mimic sounds or try new words. 

His non-verbal communication was spot on and he was always able to get across what he wanted (which was encouraging) but oral language was not something that came easily to him.

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7 free kids printables

Aug 13, 2014

Follow us on Pinterest for tons of great kids activities and ideas.

Welcome to this week's TUESDAY TOTS. Brought to you weekly by Learn with Play at home (that's us), Rainy Day Mum and One Perfect Day.

This week we are showcasing

"7 free kids printables"

I think collecting free printables is something I quite enjoy. Have a look at my Free Printables Pinterest board and tell me what you think. With over 2,000 great quality free printables on it, it's no wonder there are more than 20,000 board followers. I guess I'm not the only one who loves a good free printable. The amount of possibilities from a printed piece of paper is pretty mind blowing really. Here are 7 fabulous kid printables for all sorts of useful purposes.
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6 ways for Baby to Play

Jul 23, 2014

Follow us on Pinterest for tons of great kids activities and ideas.

Welcome to TUESDAY TOTS. Apologies that it is late this week (again). I really should call it Wednesday Tots, haha. 
Brought to you weekly by Learn with Play at home (that's us), Rainy Day Mum and One Perfect Day.

This week we are showcasing

"6 Play Ideas for Babies"

There are a million and one "baby toys" available in the shops. That should be enough to keep baby entertained and learning, right? Shame my babies were never really interested in the colourful plastic that kept showing up at our house, and the uses of many were so limited that it's no wonder they never really captured their attention. There are so many ways that babies can play and learn from the materials you already have in your house or can buy cheaply from craft shops. (They usually find them much more exciting as well.) Here are 6 interesting ideas for babies that will keep them entertained and more importantly will aid in practicing a variety of different skills and learning areas.  **As with all activities involving young children, be sure to supervise.

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Bricklaying for Kids. Invitation to Play.

Jul 13, 2014

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Here is a fun construction building invitation to play that I set out to occupy my toddler (currently aged 2.5). The main components for this easy set-up activity are simply playdough and blocks. Making the playdough a grey colour to simulate concrete and providing a couple of little construction tools all added to the scene but aren't necessary to still have a fun and creative activity for kids of all ages. My kids loved this little bricklaying activity.

We used this activity to further language skills, fine motor skills, building skills, knowledge of gravity, understanding of bricklaying, sensory development, imagination, role play and more.

Ages: 12 months+
(See the handy tips at the bottom for ideas to suit your child's needs)

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Learn to Write. 12+ Activities for early writers.

May 13, 2014

Follow us on Pinterest for tons of great kids activities and ideas.

Activities for teaching children to write

Before children can write, they need to build up the necessary fine-motor skills. Involving them in a range of fine motor activities will allow them to develop the muscle strength and coordination necessary for writing.

Like many things that children must learn, writing is something that comes with time and practice. It also often goes hand in hand with learning letters and learning your name.

Enticing children to write and make marks in a variety of ways and for a variety of purposes will help them develop the skill over time. In the title picture above, we were practicing writing our name. I wrote the name in highlighter and children can write over that with pen or pencil. Little dots with arrows showed where the letter needed to be started and the direction they needed to go.

Below are a good range of activities and ideas to help with teaching children how to write.

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10 simple Sensory Play ideas

Apr 9, 2014

Follow us on Pinterest for tons of great kids activities and ideas.

Welcome back to TUESDAY TOTS

Brought to you weekly by Learn with Play at home (that's us), Rainy Day Mum,
and One Perfect Day

This week we are showcasing

"10 simple Sensory Play ideas"

Currently, my son (aged 2) is completely mesmerized by sensory play. He is particularly interested in the sense of touch and the squidgier and squashier (and messier) it is, the more he enjoys it! Sensory play isn't just all messy play though. It includes activities that allow children to explore through their senses, including sight, feel, smell, sound and taste. It is through sensory play that children learn and discover more about the world around them. Here are a collection of 10 simple ideas from last week's linkup, that cover various senses and use materials that most of us have easy access to. 

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8 Colour learning activities for kids

Apr 1, 2014

Follow us on Pinterest for tons of great kids activities and ideas.

Welcome back to TUESDAY TOTS

Brought to you weekly by Learn with Play at home (that's us), Rainy Day Mum,
and One Perfect Day

This week we are showcasing

"8 Activities to help learn colours"

One of the first things that many children learn are their colours. (Yes, that's how we spell colour (color) here in Australia). It is such an obvious and everyday occurrence for children that it makes sense that they would find the need to classify, organise and understand their world in colours. Here are a fun collection of ideas from last week's Tuesday Tots linkup, that will help children learn their colours, but at the same time work on important skills such as fine motor, sorting, grouping, gross motor, numbers/counting, patterns and more.
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Invitation to Play and Learn with Coloured Water and Recycled Packaging

Mar 27, 2014

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Here is a fun sensory Invitation to Play with coloured water and recycled packaging that encourages skills such as fine-motorpouring, transferring and scooping whilst investigating size, colours, colour mixing, depth, capacity, speed and more.

We had so much fun with our inside water play that I wanted to create a similar invitation to play but this time with a focus on identifying colours. Using a range of colours allowed us to investigate what would happen when different colours were combined with one another. This style of open-ended investigation (play!) is perfect for toddlers through to school age children.
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Simple DIY colour sorting and fine motor activity

Feb 22, 2014

As a way for my son to learn to identify colours, practice sorting and further develop his fine motor skills, I made up this quick and easy DIY colour sorting game using a recycled ice-cream container. If you don't have one, you'll have to eat some ice-cream. All in the name of parenting of course.

Age6 months- 2 years +
(N was approx 18 months here. See bottom for tips to simplify or extend to meet your child's needs)

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Activities for kids to help develop Fine Motor Skills

Feb 18, 2014

Follow us on Pinterest for tons of great kids activities and ideas.

Welcome back to TUESDAY TOTS

Brought to you weekly by Learn with Play at home (that's us), Rainy Day Mum,
and One Perfect Day

This week we are showcasing

"9 Fine Motor Activities for Kids"

These great posts came from last weeks Tuesday Tots linkup and most are suitable for children aged from about 6 months up. When it comes to toys and activities to develop fine motor skills, you will find that you don't need to buy anything special. Here you will find a fun range of ideas and activities that you can make or put together yourself, generally using stuff you already have at home.

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8 Toddler Painting Activities

Feb 11, 2014

Are you following us on Pinterest?

Welcome back to TUESDAY TOTS

Brought to you weekly by Learn with Play at home (that's us), Rainy Day Mum,
and One Perfect Day

This week we are showcasing

"8 Painting Activities for Toddlers"

These great posts came from last weeks Tuesday Tots linkup and most are suitable for children aged from about 6 months up. Toddlers in particular should have a great time trying out all these different ways. Painting offers a wonderful sensory experience for children and allows them to develop their creativity, colour knowledge, oral and descriptive language skills, fine-motor skills and more.

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8 Fun Snack ideas for kids

Feb 4, 2014

Are you following us on Pinterest?

Welcome back to TUESDAY TOTS

Brought to you weekly by Learn with Play at home (that's us), Rainy Day Mum,
and One Perfect Day

This week we are showcasing

8 FUN snack ideas for kids

These great posts came from last weeks Tuesday Tots linkup

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8 Creative Playdough ideas for kids

Nov 12, 2013

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Welcome to TUESDAY TOTS for this week.
Brought to you by Learn with Play at home (that's us), Rainy Day Mum,
and One Perfect Day

This Week:
Learn with Play at home is showcasing

8 Creative Playdough Ideas

These great posts came from last weeks Tuesday Tots linkup
where we featured 10 Awesome Homemade Ideas for kids


We use playdough at our house on a daily basis. It is such a useful and fun, sensory material that you can make easily and cheaply yourself at home. Here is our no-cook playdough recipe that should set you up for hours upon hours of fun and learning for your kids.
Below are a collection of 8 fun and creative ideas that you could use to add to your playdough play.
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An Invitation to Paint Big!

Nov 8, 2013

10 Awesome Homemade Ideas for Kids

Nov 5, 2013

Are you following us on Pinterest?

Welcome to this week's TUESDAY TOTS.
Brought to you by Learn with Play at home (that's us), Rainy Day Mum,
and One Perfect Day

This Week:
Learn with Play at home is showcasing

10 Awesome Homemade Ideas for kids

These great posts all came from last weeks Tuesday Tots linkup
where we featured Colour themed activities

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Clean the Rocks. Toddler Sensory Play

Nov 2, 2013

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My toddler is really into sensory play at the moment. At this stage in his development, I find that this type of play is likely to hold his attention for longer than many of the ways we play.

The other day I was desperate to get a little bit of necessary paperwork completed and wanted something that would keep him independently occupied next to me without needing much input from me, for as long as we could manage. I knew my best chances would be something sensory but I didn't have the time for preparations and I didn't want something that was going to create a large mess.

Here's what we ended up with. An Invitation to Play with shaving foam, rocks and water. Cleaning rocks!

Age: 18 months+
(N has just turned 2. See the bottom for Handy Tips to simplify or extend for your child)

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