Here are some of the simple ways that I make healthy food fun for my kids
I believe that developing a healthy and happy attitude towards food starts from birth. By making good, honest food appealing to children, they are much more likely to want to give it a try.
(But, let's be realistic. Some kids don't like some things..(just like us!). If making it appealing doesn't work, leave it but be sure to try and try again as one day they might just realise they like it!)
I also think that banning certain types of foods (eg. "Junk" food) will not solve your problems. I believe that if you teach children from early on about "Everyday foods" and "Sometimes foods" they will have a more balanced and realistic attitude towards food.
I hope you can find some inspiration here and feel free to
contact me or leave a comment at the bottom if you have any questions. Debs :)
Butterfly shaped raisin toast with sultanas, dried apricots and fresh cut strawberry |
Pikelets (like pancakes) cute with star shaped cookie cutters |
Little bear pancakes. 3 blobs of pancake mix to make the shape then add a slice of banana and sultanas |
Cheese Mouse. Triangle shaped cheese with embelishments for ears/eyes/mouth/tail (use what you have available) |
Rice cake face. Made by child. Cream cheese to stick it down, chicken breast for hair, tomato mouth, carrot nose and olive eyes |
Healthy Snack Platter. Trio of dips (tzatziki, beetroot and hummus) with mixed crackers and cucumber sticks |
Toddler lunch. Cream cheese and olive sandwich fingers with fresh cut strawberries |
Play date snack platter. Banana 3 ways. Fresh banana, banana chips and banana bread cubes with fun food picks |
Sandwich cut with cookie cutter. Remove middle sandwich and fill with fruit. |
Little person meal. Avocado on whole grain finger sandwiches, cheese stick, hummus dip and dried fruit |
Little sandwich rectangles surrounding cut grapes and strawberries |
Jazz up a basic Peanut Butter sandwich. Too easy. Standing up triangles with a scattering of sultanas |
Cookie cutter pikelets with butter. |
Fancy fairy bread (sprinkles on buttered bread). (Use shape cutter). Mini muffin in a silicone cupcake wrapper |
Always make extra when you do a fruit smoothie to freeze for yummy healthy iceypole treats. |
Pikelet bear with banana nose and chocolate bud eyes |
Use cookie cutters to shape rice. Elephant standing on a satay chicken stirfry mountain. |
Doggy cookie cutter to shape rice |
Butterfly sandwich with bean body and sultana decorations |
Circle face sandwich (fill with your choice of toppings) Extra veggies for the face. |
Birthday pancake breakfast. |
Toddler afternoon tea. Dip with watercrackers and freshly cut strawberries. Mini marshmallow cut for a treat. |
Toddler Afternoon tea. Cut cucumber sticks, kabana, water crackers and dip |
Basic sandwich. (Turkey and Cranberry Sauce). Add a couple of contrasting shapes like these cucumber circles |
Cut a shape out of paper, pop on the top of drinks (like this banana smoothie made with milk, banana and yoghurt) and sprinkle some cinnamon over the top to make a shape. |
For even more ideas of food for kids that THEY can cook too, click the picture below.
Happy eating,
Debs :)
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