
Dec 11, 2015

Mickey and Minnie Mouse Washi Tape Christmas Cards

One of the things that I love about making Christmas crafts with my kids is creating memories together. We still giggle about a big glitter spill we had a couple of years ago with our Christmas Decoration Creation Station and we love rediscovering ornaments we've made over the years, when it comes to decorating time.

Whenever possible, we make our own greeting cards, as the process is full of learning and practicing various skills. We also love the individualised end results we get by making them by hand. They're just that little bit more special!

Inspired by Disney Junior's Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, we made some cute Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse inspired Christmas cards, using a fun process to make our own stickers out of washi tape!

  • Washi tape (black, red and pink)
  • Grease-proof paper (baking paper)
  • Pen (thin permanent marker works well)
  • Recycled cardboard (to make a template)
  • Scissors
  • Blank cards
  • White paper
  • Holepunch
  • Gluestick
  • Letter stickers (optional)
Use a scrap of recycled cardboard to make a Mickey Mouse silhouette template and use it to trace an outline on some grease-proof paper. To make a Mickey Mouse silhouette, children can look for circular objects that would be the right size to trace or alternatively, there are many copies of the image online that you could use to print a template.
Stick strips of the washi tape on the grease-proof paper over your design, starting from the bottom. Children can rip the lengths of tape as it doesn't matter if the edges aren't straight.
Overlap your tape with each new piece put on. Children can work on the spacing and overlapping of the tape, attempting to get it straight. It's not a big deal if the tape isn't straight, so long as it overlaps the piece below it. 
For the Mickey and Minnie Mouse design, cover the bottom half with either red (Mickey) or pink (Minnie) and then the top half in black.
When your whole design is covered, flip it over and cut out around the line.  Depending on your child's scissor skills, you may want to help them with this part.
Now your washi tape sticker is ready! Peel off the backing paper just like you would on a regular sticker and stick into place on your blank card.
For the white dots, we punched a few holes from some white paper and then stuck them down with a little bit of glue.
Add any text you'd like on your card, and voila! All done! I love using letter stickers or stamps for this part. Plenty of great literacy learning involved with finding and placing the correct letters. Handwriting is generally practiced inside the card when writing the message.
Use the same process to make the Minnie Mouse card, using pink instead of red. Add extra dots to the bottom half and a little bow made from the pink tape.

You can use this same method to make all sorts of great designs. Older kids will enjoy making their own designs and trying out different washi tape combinations and patterns.

Disney Junior The Channel is where magical storytelling comes to life and is available on Foxtel, channel 709 and Fetch (or SKY and channel 105 in New Zealand). We are fans of many of the characters and I love that the stories cover various learning areas from early language and maths skills to healthy living and social and emotional development. You can use this inspiration for recreating your own Magical Christmas Moment with your little ones and share these with friends and family. Disney Junior Australia and New Zealand would love to see your ideas so be sure to tag in @DisneyJuniorAUNZ and #DJMagical Moments.

We really enjoyed creating these fun cards together and I can see us using the same method for many different designs in the future.

What magical Christmas Moments have you created with your children?

Happy playing,
Debs :)

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