
Feb 13, 2013

Glue Canvas. Kids Art

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Any time I see canvases in good value packs or discounted, I always grab a few so I have them on hand. 
There's something about painting on canvas that feels really special and it's a great way to make some instant art that's ready to hang as soon as it's dry.

We did this activity over 2 days which was a really nice process. 
The first day was all about designing with the glue and 
the second day was about creativity and experiment with the paint over the glue.

So really, it's 2 activities for the price of 1. Bonus! haha

Ages: 2+

Materials: Canvas, Craft Glue, Paint 
(we used acrylic paint but would love to try water-colour or quite thinned down paint next time. We think it would have a better result)

Squeezing the glue onto the canvas was really hard at first. 
She was really having to squeeze very hard to get it going. Great for building muscle strength.

But once she got a good flow going there was no stopping her

We loved talking about the way the glue was flowing and the patterns she was making

She asked me to do an M for her at the top
 (which I encouraged her to do herself as she knows how to but she was worried about wrecking it and wanted it perfect)

Wouldn't it be fun to do an Alphabet Canvas from glue?

She swirled, she dotted, she made puddles and trees and pools and streams.
There was constant dialogue about what she was doing and what it all meant.

When she decided she'd finished we popped it aside to dry and to come back to another day.

Invitation to paint, be creative, experiment and discover

Straight to painting her M

She was definitely drawn to paint over her glue lines. 

She used a brush she'd just washed with water and we loved the effect of the thinner, more watery paint

She added more water to her paints to mix herself a thinner paint and then poured it onto her canvas

Swirling the paint around and around like the glue lines underneath

On the window with the light in the back

Whilst she was unhappy about the amount of green painted she'd tipped over the top initially it's helped her learn about taking her time and thinking about her desired end result for future creations.

We're excited to do this activity again using water-colours or thinned down paint

Handy Tips

- Simplify this activity by providing the glue in an easy squeeze container (like a recycled sauce bottle) or a small plastic jug.

- Extend the learning in this activity by using it as a name writing activity and have children write their names in glue on the canvas. Alternatively you could make a fun letter or number canvas

- Mix it up by experimenting with different paint types over the glue. Which cover the glue completely? Which allow the glue to show up more?

- Make it super fun by having children do the 2nd half of the activity (the painting part), blindfolded and by painting with their fingers. Have them feel over the canvas for their designs and paint them according to touch.

- If your child has other ideas for the activity, let them go with it. Allow them to be creative and if it turns into a mess and doesn't have the end result they were hoping for, then that's all part of the learning too!

Here are some of our other fun ways to Paint:

Tell us. What's your kid's favourite material to paint with?

Happy playing,
Debs :)

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