
Nov 27, 2012

Cooking with Kids

Once again we had over well over 100 activities linked up to Tuesday Tots last week. If you missed them or our fabulous feature on Learning and Playing with Recycled Materials, you can see it here.

This week I was getting hungry looking through some of the awesome posts so am featuring
Cooking with Kids

Cooking with kids is incredibly beneficial for a whole host of educational and developmental reasons.
It is best to start involving your children in the cooking and preparing from as early as possible so here are some fabulous recipes and instructions on some kid-friendly recipes.

(From top-bottom, left-right as pictured above)

Gingerbread from Happy Whimsical Hearts

 2 Ingredient Chocolate Crackles from Just for Daisy

Wholewheat Raspberry Scones from Mama Papa Bubba

Kid-Made Butter from Life with Moore Babies

Salt Dough Advent Calendar from The Fairy and The Frog

Fancy Fruit Salad from My magical menagerie 

Congratulations if you were featured.  Feel free to grab a featured button.

Here are some of our Cooking with Kids posts
(click on the picture to take you to the post)
Toddler Made Sushi                                    Lemonade Scones


   Learn with Play at home (me) proudly co-hosts Tuesday Tots with  Rainy Day MumGrowing a Jeweled Rose and In Lieu of Preschool. You can read more about it here 

Please have a look at the activities list below and check out any of the posts that interest you.

Now, it's your turn to link up your posts for children 5 and under. 
Can't wait to see all the fabulous activities shared this week!

(please read the guidelines before linking up)

Happy playing,
Debs :)

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