
Jul 2, 2012

Catalogue Number Find

It's mid-year toy sale time in Australia which means lots of brightly coloured, kid friendly catalogues!

Milly (aged 3.5) was eager to scan the pages too (while I poured over mine) so we turned it into a bit of a game for added learning fun with a focus on basic number recognition.

Ages: 3+
(see Handy Tips at the bottom to simplify or extend to meet individual children's needs)

activity for kids, math activity, early numeracy
Materials: Catalogues, highlighters and an example of written numbers.
(I just quickly made a basic grid in Microsoft Word which you can download HERE if you like, otherwise, just write the numbers on a piece of paper)

maths for kids, number activity
First, read through the numbers with your child. 
Depending on their age, have them pick one (or multiple) number/s to find in the catalogue. Colour each of the chosen numbers in a different colour.

number recognition, early maths, math game
Hunting, hunting...
(Kids just love doing things that are similar to how adults do it!)

When you spot one of the chosen numbers, colour it the matching colour.

Done hunting for 3, 4 & 5. Next she wanted to search for the number 2.

Handy tips:

- Simplify this activity by sticking to one number and focusing on helping your child to recognise it. For example, choose the number 2. Talk about the number and the symbol. What does the (2) symbol represent? Show me 2 fingers, 2 highlighters. etc. Make sure they have the connection between the symbol and the amount as well as the ability to recognise it.

- Extend this activity by working on higher numbers and looking at place value. You can start to talk about the money side and dollars and cents. You could look at "more" and "less" and talk about what you consider "cheap/affordable" and "expensive".

- You could use this activity with any publication that displays numbers.

- Mix it up by making it a challenge. ie. Find two 2's, three 3's, four 4's etc. Have a race with your child to see who can spot a chosen number first or have them race against siblings.

-  Repeat numerous times. Some children will need very few exposures to something before they have learnt and understood it, others will need the information reinforced many times before it's committed to memory. Each child is different so work to your child's abilities.

- Make a wish list of items in the catalogues for added literacy learning.

Happy playing,
Debs :)

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