
Jun 25, 2012

Baby Play: Rolling Ramp Fun

Rolling Ramp Fun

baby game, fun for baby, activity for baby

Ageapprox. 6 months to 2 years

Materials: Anything to make a ramp (ie- an open hard cover book on a box) & things that roll (balls, cars)

baby fun, game for baby, activity for babybaby game, activity for baby, baby fun

Pushing the ball makes it roll down, so does lifting the edge of the book.

baby fun, game for baby, baby activity
Time for a race. Which will get to the bottom first?

Baby is Learning:

- Fine motor skills
- Co-ordination
- Eye tracking (following an object with their eyes)
- Hand and eye coordination
- Manipulation
- Expectation
- Cause and effect (ie. pushing this object off the edge makes it roll down)
- How to move objects
- About things that roll
- How to grasp small objects
- Emotions. Fun, anticipation & excitement.
- How to grasp small objects
- About gravity
- What to do
- Sensory. Touch, rounded edges, smooth textures etc.

Handy Tips:

Simplify this activity by putting the rolling items right at the edge for baby to knock down

Extend this activity for older babies by providing objects that will roll with objects that won't roll. Baby can test which ones will roll down the ramp and which won't. 

Mix it up by providing a range of items to roll down the ramp and be making ramps of various sizes and on different angles.

- Provide something flat at the bottom of the ramp to extend the rolling if you wish (we used a duplo board)

Repeat this activity as often as you like as babies (and children) need repetition in order to consolidate their learning and understanding

Talk to your baby about what they are doing. This will help them begin to understand the physical and mental processes they are going through as well as helping develop their vocabulary.

Give your baby your time. It's the best gift you could ever give them.

Happy playing,
Debs :)

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