
May 24, 2012

Weekly Kid's Co-op

Welcome once again to the Weekly Kids Co-op. Last week we had close to 180 activity ideas linked up!

I wonder what fabulous ideas we will see this week?

The Weekly Kid's Co-op

Here are a few of my favourites from last week

If you've been wondering what all the fuss is about "Sensory Play." then this great post will simply show you through the why's and how's so that your child can learn through sensory experiences also. (It's really easy!)

Here she reinforces the 2nd language her boys are learning by making placemats out of some of the things they are focusing on. I've seen this idea using scanned pages from picture books but I really love how she shows you how you could use this to help consolidate whatever area of learning your child is interested in or focused on. 


Seriously, how cute are these? These handprint garden markers are so adorable and are a great activity to do with the kids as an extension to gardening together. We enjoy some gardening together and my daughter loves seeing what we've grown. We'll be making some of these to add to our pots for sure.

If you were featured this week, grab a featured button

You're also welcome to link up your kid friendly activity below. Can't wait to check it out!

And now... on to this week's link up. Enjoy!

Debs :)

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