
May 19, 2012

Weekly Kids Co-Op

I am so excited to be hosting my first Weekly Kids Co-op. If you haven't heard of the Weekly Kids Co-Op before then it's lucky you're reading this, as it as a tremendous resource, choc-a-block full of fun, wonderful, inspiring and do-able kids activities!

Bloggers from all around the world link up their activities so that you can see them all in one place. We have been a regular contributor to the Co-Op and now you will be able to see the whole list, here, on a weekly basis.

Be sure to keep checking back throughout the week as more ideas are added daily.

Each new week, I will be featuring my favourite post from the link-up as well as a few other popular ones for you to check out.

Hope you love it!

Debs :)
If you haven't come over to play with us on facebook yet, we'd love to see you there. Hey, we're also on Twitter now too. You can also subscribe (top right) so that you don't miss any fun activities.