
May 28, 2012

Cooking with Kids: Zucchini Slice

Looking for a healthy but delicious way to get some veggies into your kids?

Cooking with kids, healthy food, vegetables for kids

Try making them this easy Zucchini Slice... or better still, let THEM make it

  • 2-3 Zucchinis (2 large or 3 small)
  • 2 Carrots 
  • 1 Brown Onion 
  • 1 cup Self Raising Flour
  • 1 1/2 cups Grated Tasty Cheese 
  • 6 eggs 
  • 3 Bacon Rashes (optional)
  • 1 small can of Corn Kernels (optional)

Preheat your oven to 180°C

Crack the eggs into a bowl. Note how baby learns by watching

Lightly whisk the eggs

Take the time to talk about, learn and explore the different vegetables

Grease a 16cm x 26cm tin/dish. Perhaps to find the closest sized dish your children could help measure

Grate and chop all the vegetables (and bacon) and add to a bowl. You or your children could do this depending on their skill level.

Measure and add the grated cheese

Measure and add the flour

Add the lightly beaten eggs

Combine all the ingredients well

Pour into your lightly greased dish

Bake in your preheated 180°C oven for 30-40 minutes or until it is set the whole way through.

Allow to cool slightly before serving and watch your kids eat it all up.

Handy Tips:

- Allowing your children to help with the cooking from an early age holds incredible learning opportunities. From important maths concepts (such as timing, measuring, counting, comparing, weighing etc.) to learning safety skills, processes, healthy food choices, vocabulary, organisation and much more. Get them in the kitchen as early as you can and start stimulating their senses and letting them learn through observation.

- Use this time to talk about "Sometimes foods" and "Everyday foods" as well as learning about the different vegetables

- Simplify this activity by pre-chopping, grating and measuring  the ingredients yourself and allowing your child to do the pouring and mixing.

- Extend this activity by having your child attempt all the steps and processes independently

- An alternate zucchini slice recipe. This one uses oil so isn't as healthy but we've made this version as well and it's delicious. This is the version I make for parties.

- Continue to talk with your child about the methods they are using and the easiest ways to do them. Remember that practice makes perfect!

- We followed this basic recipe and just added in the corn. Other recipes call for oil or other things but we wanted to share this healthier version as this is the way we make it for the kids.

- For individual sized portions ready to go, bake in a muffin tray.

Debs :)

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