
May 20, 2012

Blog Love

It's always nice to get some love and that's just what Amie from Triple T Mum gave me when she awarded my blog the Liebster Award.

The word 'liebster' actually comes from the German word for love, friend or dearest. Awww :)
Triple T mum is a fellow Aussie (go Aussie!) and she is one super woman in my books. Not only does she have 1 year old twins, but she also has a toddler AND a teenager too! Looking after them, you'd wonder how she has the time to write such a lovely and informative blog.
You will not only find great activities over there for the kids but also useful posts for parents on heaps of different subjects. Go and check it out.
So, what's next?

The goal of the award is to spotlight fabulous up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers. The rules are:
  1. copy and paste the award on your blog
  2. thank the giver and link back to them
  3. reveal your top 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog
  4. share 5 interesting things about yourself

Pick only 5!?! Oh dear. Alright, here I go.

I am passing on the Liebster Blog award to the following Blogs (in no particular order)

1. Small Potatoes. Arlee writes a delightful blog about her adventures with her "Small Potatoes." Her ideas are fun and engaging and the photography is just fabulous! As pictures are generally what draw me to a blog, this is one I just love to browse through and get inspired.

2. Glittering Muffins. Valerie is a Canadian blogger who shares the fun activities and yummy recipes that she and her 2 year old son get up to. Her "Around the World in 12 Dishes" series is one you should check out as it is so fabulous to try new things with your children. Broadening not only their palate but their knowledge of other countries as well

3. Famiglia&Seoul. Gina is another former teacher who's blog was started after adopting her gorgeous little son. It is full of wonderful activities and ideas, my favourite being her "365 days outdoors" series.

4. Stories and Children. Susan is a well qualified Educator and Mum with a passion for books and reading. We share the same beliefs on the importance of reading with children and on her site you will find amazing eBooks written and illustrated by her, as well as fun activities she does with her boys.

5. Plain Vanilla Mom. If you love quality photography, showcasing fun kids activities and more, then this fun (and stunning) blog from Jen is a must look. Like me, Jen is always looking for opportunities for learning in the daily activities she does. Be sure to have a look.

Ok, and now 5 things about ME!

1) When I was in Primary School I was in Comet & Explore Magazines in an article where I got to drive a train!

2) A relation of mine, Sir Joseph Mohr wrote Silent Night...(you may have heard of it...) ;)

3) Travel is a huge passion of mine. I did as much as I could squeeze in before having kids and plan to travel with them as much as I can. This year we're taking the family to Bali for my 30th!

4) A side hobby of mine is cake decorating. I did a small course for a term to learn some of the basics and now I just love experimenting and making things look cool :)

5) My lifelong dream (as far as I can remember) has been to be on Play School (an Australian kids TV Show) but if I'm going to be realistic, I don't think it's something I'll ever actually pursue. Who knows...

That's it from me.

I hope you enjoy looking through these blogs as much as I do. Now go... share the love :)

Debs :)

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