
Mar 1, 2012

Make a Peg Doll

Using a wooden peg and some recycled materials, we make a simple little doll to use for imaginative play.

 For this little 'angel' (Maddie's choice) we used a wooden peg, cut the bottom off an organza bag for the dress, used sparkly pipe-cleaners for the halo and to hold the dress on and some dolls hair for the hair from the craft cupboard

Using fine-motor skills and displaying concentration to stick little sequins on the dress. Sticking her in playdough made for a good stand

Some tips:
- The wooden pegs are great for this as they look as though they already have a head and legs. If you don't have these, just use any peg you have around the house.
- Your doll doesn't have to be an angel. If your boys are into firemen, builders or racecar drivers, try making them instead! Let your child lead with the doll choice.
- Use whatever recycled materials you have to make the clothes and hair (ie wrapping paper, ribbons, patty pans, fabric cuttings, wool etc)
- Instead of using materials, try painting the clothes on. This is quite fiddly for a small child.
- To simplify this activity, let your child choose the materials to use and then assist them in dressing the doll. They can then decorate and use for imaginative play.
- To extend this activity, allow your child to do as many of the processes as they're capable of with minimal assistance. Let them practice the cutting, gluing etc. Make furniture, houses, cars and so on out of recycled materials for your doll/s to use for imaginative play

Debs :)