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Welcome back to TUESDAY TOTS

Brought to you weekly by Learn with Play at home (that's us), Rainy Day Mum,
and One Perfect Day

Brought to you weekly by Learn with Play at home (that's us), Rainy Day Mum,
and One Perfect Day
This week we are showcasing
"9 Rainbow themed activities and ideas"
With St Patrick's Day approaching, it's no surprise that last weeks Tuesday Tots linkup was full of great Rainbow themed ideas. Here are 9 different ideas to give your day that splash of colour it needs!
1. Here is a pretty spectacular edible rainbow sensory bin from Life with Moore Babies
2. Get creative in a different way with a racing rainbow cars painting like Fantastic Fun and Learning
3. Make a colour sorting, fine-motor Rainbow activity like Minne Mama
4. Try making this fun and delicious Rainbow Jello or some of the other fun Rainbow Party ideas from Learn with Play at Home
7. Practice scissor skills with a rainbow cutting tray like Little Bins for Little Hands
8. Raid the recycling bin to do some rainbow bubble wrap printing from Sow Sprout Play
9. Try making your own rainbow with this simple experiment from Sparkling Buds
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Looking for St Patrick's Day themed activities?
(click the picture to go to the post)
Now for the Tuesday Tots link-up
Be sure to check back on all the fabulous ideas that are linked up each week starting on a Tuesday.
Happy playing,
Debs :)
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