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Welcome back to TUESDAY TOTS

Brought to you weekly by Learn with Play at home (that's us), Rainy Day Mum,
and One Perfect Day

Brought to you weekly by Learn with Play at home (that's us), Rainy Day Mum,
and One Perfect Day
This week we are showcasing
"10 cool things to make with kids"
Making things with kids isn't always about the end result. There is so much to be gained from a bit of DIY with children. From learning concepts of recycling to language, maths, creativity and so much more. The process is almost always enjoyed more than the end result, but you'll find with many of these 10 ideas, (which came from last weeks Tuesday Tots linkup) you finish up with something really cool at the end. Bonus!
1. Make these awesome DIY toy road signs from And Next Comes L (on B.Inspired Mama). So cool!
2. I can't wait to make coloured ice sculptures like Happy Hooligans
3. Try making your own cardboard marble maze like Winegums and Watermelons
4. We really enjoyed making Cornflour Slime (Learn with Play at Home)
5. I'd not thought about making perler bead alphabet magnets like Life Lesson Plans, but now I definitely will!
7. My kids would love to make Dinosaur eggs and then go on a hunt, like The Joys of Boys
8. Make music on the breeze with a stick wind chime from Where Imagination Grows
9. What child wouldn't love making their own mud kitchen? This one from Adventures at home with Mum
10. Get creative and make Decorative Paper Lanterns like Learn with Play at Home
Congratulations if you were featured. You can grab a Featured Button here.
Check out some of these other great DIY ideas for kids.
(click the picture to go to the post)
BONUS POST! Each week we choose our favourite post from all the posts linked up and feature it over all 3 sites. Check out this week's featured activity from...... (announced soon!)
Now for the Tuesday Tots link-up
Be sure to check back on all the fabulous ideas that are linked up each week starting on a Tuesday.
Happy playing,
Debs :)
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