Make a Cereal Bracelet

Jul 23, 2012

activity for kids

Age: 2-6+

Materials: Breakfast cereal with a hole in the middle*, string, stickytape
*we used "Cheerios" and "Heart Harmony" cereals .

To make it easier for little hands to thread, stick a bit of sticky tape around the end of the string to make it harder and pointier

Fabulous practice for developing fine motor skills and hand eye coordination

We were actually going to make a necklace but she didn't have the patience for that.

She was very excited about her edible bracelet!

Handy Tips:

- Simplify this activity by getting cereal with bigger holes. Fruit Loops would be easier for littler hands (and prettier too) but it's not a cereal we buy so we went with the healthier option :)

- Extend this activity by putting more of a focus on patterns. The greater the variety of cereal choices (or colours) gives your child more options for pattens. We started with loop-heart-loop, then she moved on to loop-loop-heart-loop-loop-heart... but then the pattern got a little lost as she decided the loops were much easier and faster to thread than the hearts :)

- Mix it up by having your child brainstorm other edible items they could thread and try making different lengths, patterns etc.

- Include some sorting practice with your child as well by starting with your cereal varieties all together in one bowl and provide some tongs for them to sort into different varieties/colours/sizes etc.

Happy playing,
Debs :)

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